Monday, March 19, 2012


So, after finally making the decision to have gastric bypass surgery, the panic set in.  HOW IN THE WORLD AM I GOING TO LOSE 8% OF MY BODY WEIGHT BEFORE SURGERY?  Let's be honest, the whole reason I am doing this is because I can't lose weight on my own!  Is this some kind of sick game!?  I had to take a cold hard look at where I was spending my money and what resources I had available to me to get it accomplished.  I have a gym membership paid for by my insurance company, so I thought...perfect, I'll just go to the gym.  Who was I kidding.  This did not work (SHOCKER)!  After a month of trying it on my own, I decided to hire a personal trainer.  I remember my first meeting with her.  I am not sure if I actually cried, or just held it in because I didn't want her to see how weak I was.  I was at a very low point during this meeting.  I felt like an ugly, fat and disgusting person.

She was so supportive!  I was frank with her and told her that I needed to see her 3X per week.  I almost had to sell my ovaries, but I needed to do it.  In the 3 months before my surgery, I lost 27 pounds and 29 inches working with my trainer.  She was so supportive, kind and challenged my body and mind.  So, what is the take away here....if you are looking to lose weight just remember the definition of insanity: doing the thing you've always done and expecting a different outcome.  A trainer is not for everyone, but do something different if you want different results!

1 comment:

  1. This is so True Jen! After I had my weight loss surgery thats when I hired a person trainer for almost a year and it was honestly the best investment in myself I could have ever made. did I have 10,000 laying around for a personal trainer no way but you cut corners where you need to and make it work. Because the best money spent is on keeping yourself healthy.
